Immaculate Conception Church


Leading People to Jesus Through Worship, Community, Service, and Devotion to Mary

414 E. North Broadway, Columbus, OH 43214

Ordinations to the Priesthood

On Saturday, June 13 at 10 a.m., Bishop Robert Brennan will ordain three transitional deacons to the priesthood: Deacon Seth Keller, Deacon Michael Fulton and Deacon Frank Brown.

Deacon Seth (pictured above) and Deacon Michael were assigned to Immaculate Conception for one of their summer placements. May the love of the Lord be with them always.

The ordination will be live-streamed. The live-stream will be accessible three ways: YouTube, the Diocesan website, as well as the Diocese Facebook page

Please pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life.