Financial Stewardship

Take a look around Immaculate Conception and you will see God’s hand at work. Our parish is growing – in size, ministries and outreach, and our goal is to ensure this growth continues, so that we may transform lives through an encounter with Jesus Christ.
What does this mean? It means introducing new programs and ministries to support the changing demographics of our parish. It means looking outside the physical boundaries of Immaculate Conception to invite others to join us in knowing God’s love. Simply, it means touching more lives, more hearts and more souls than we currently do. And we can’t do this without you.
Immaculate Conception Parish takes pride in being faithful stewards of the hard-earned dollars you give to our parish and employs a rigorous budgeting process to ensure funds are allocated in a meaningful way to support our areas of focus: worship, education, faith formation, social concerns, community life and, of course, physical property.
There are many ways you can help us bring the Word of God to all those who desire to know Him. Our daily operations expenses are funded by offertory dollars; however, long-term pledges and/or gifts for capital needs and our parish endowments help us to fund those needs such as building maintenance, tuition assistance and scholarships, to name just a few. You can learn more about each of these giving opportunities on the following pages.
Thank you for your generosity and commitment to IC. If you have any questions about giving to our parish, please contact our Director of Marketing & Communications Jacob Lammers at (614)267-9241 or jlammers@iccols.org.
Giving Options:
Text to Give
For instructions on to use our new Text to Give software, please click on the following link:
QR Code
Donate to IC by using your phone. Take a picture of the QR Code below and check it out!