Immaculate Conception Church


Leading People to Jesus Through Worship, Community, Service, and Devotion to Mary

414 E. North Broadway, Columbus, OH 43214

Giving Tuesday – Springs of Love

IC Parish will, once again, participate in #GivingTuesday, the international day of giving that harnesses the generosity of millions of people around the world to support the causes they believe in and the communities in which they live. Each Giving Tuesday, IC Parish chooses a life-affirming organization to raise donations for. This year, we have chosen Springs of Love to receive 100% of donations raised!

Springs of Love encourages, educates, and equips Catholics to discern and live out the call to foster and adopt, while creating communities of support to help cultivate a culture of foster care and adoption in our parishes.


CLICK HERE to make a donation


Our parish’s donations will assist Springs of Love to offer an in-person Foster and Adoption Discernment Retreat in our diocese, and to follow up with local small group meetings for continuing discernment. We hope to host our first retreat this spring/summer 2024 in Columbus. Building Foster Teams in parishes is also a priority for 2024, and the Springs of Love team is developing training modules to form and offer ongoing support for parish team leaders. A Foster Team is a pro-life initiative that involves the whole parish family, and with our help, Springs of Love can help establish Teams throughout the diocese, including right here at IC!

With the help of our IC parish family, Springs of Love can continue developing resources for foster and adoptive parents, including a virtual 8-week parenting class. Learn more about the pro-life work and support offered by Springs of Love, and check out their Love Stories video series, featuring inspiring the stories of families who fostered and adopted children, and birth families, available now on FORMED and EWTN on-demand.

Give now so that our IC family can help spread the Love!