Immaculate Conception Church


Leading People to Jesus Through Worship, Community, Service, and Devotion to Mary

414 E. North Broadway, Columbus, OH 43214

Christmas Message from Fr. Matt

Sometimes I think we miss the message in words that are all too familiar. Songs and lyrics, popular sayings these are all for our reflection on deeper mysteries and the meaning of things. It is well worth taking time now and again to think over, be still, sit in awe. The Christmas story is brimming over with its marvelous purpose for humanity. I hope we all find time to sit in wonder!

‘……When Mary bore Jesus, ‘twas in a cow’s stall,
With wise men and an’mals and shepherds and all.
But high from the heavens a star’s light did fall,
And the promise of ages it then did recall.
If Jesus had wanted for any small thing,
A star in the sky or a bird on the wing,
Or all of God’s angels in heav’n for to sing,
He could sure have had it, ‘cause he was the King.
I wonder as I wander, out under the sky,
How Jesus the savior did come for to die
For poor or’n’ry people like you and like I,
I wonder as I wander out under the sky.’
Traditional North Carolina carol

May all our hearts be filled with wonder and awe this Christmas!